Monday, January 3, 2022

Soup Re-do

 Corn chowder was on the menu back in 2012. (I find it mind boggling that I've been recording my homestead endeavors that long.) That fall I shared a soup recipe every Saturday. This particular one is still a favorite because it's so versatile. It's also tasty because, well, bacon!

Today I'm using up the milk that we bought for Christmas. It's about to expire and, unlike our home grown milk, will rot if not used up soon. The recipe calls for evaporated milk but I'm going to use the whole milk instead. I also have potatoes that are starting to sprout so this soup will take care of both problems. I don't have bacon on hand but I do have a chunk of smoked jowl that I can substitute. Also, I'm out of corn. I could go to the store and buy some but I think it will be just fine without it. So basically I'm making potato soup with pork. I'm still going to call it corn chowder, because I can. I mean, what's the point of having a versatile soup recipe if you rename it every time you change up the ingredients??? AM I RIGHT?

Half the battle in a sustainable lifestyle is the ability to make do with what you have. If I run to the store when I'm out of corn and bacon, and don't limit myself to the ingredients I have on hand, I'm just creating more chances to have something else spoil. Preventing waste is a necessary component of the overall picture. It's a whole lot easier if I adapt and overcome without creating more chaos or stacking up more burdens. Sometimes it's best to find a new recipe for what you have on hand. Having some that you can switch up works for the times when you don't have the time or resources to do that.